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Pyin Oo Lwin

New York – often called New York City or the City of New York to distinguish it from the State of New York.


New Jersey is a state located on the West Coast of the United States.


Ohio is a state in the Western, Mountain West, and Southwestern regions of the United States.


Virginia is nicknamed the "Old Dominion" due to its status as a former dominion of the English Crown.

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An  Attraction in Shan State: The Pindaya Cave
An Attraction in Shan State: The Pindaya Cave

In the Myelat Region of Shan State, the Pindaya Cave is located as one of the sacred site as well as a well-chosen natural spot for visitors. Pindaya Town is famous for its limestone caves, the traditional Shan paper umbrellas and handicrafts, and picturesque lake-side views. The sight of the Pindaya Cave is improved by […]

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Ladies with a Unique Custom: The Kayan Women of Myanmar
Ladies with a Unique Custom: The Kayan Women of Myanmar

Myanmar has various ethnic groups that will make you stunning when you visit them. One of that kind of minority groups is the Kayan people who are known for their extraordinary long-necked women. The Kayan people belong to a part of Karenni people and their historical reference showed that they settled in the Demawso area […]

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The Landmark of Myanmar : The Splendid Shwedagon Pagoda
The Landmark of Myanmar : The Splendid Shwedagon Pagoda

Myanmar got its name the golden land due to the golden glittering pagodas around the whole country. Among the pagodas, the Shwedagon Pagoda is ranked as one of the world wonders because of its famed genuine gold offering by the devotees. The Shwedagon Pagoda is also known as the Shwedagon Zedi Daw, which is situated […]

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One of the Last Paradises on Earth: The Superb Mergui Archipelago
One of the Last Paradises on Earth: The Superb Mergui Archipelago

The Mergui Archipelago located in the southern part of Myanmar is regarded as the hidden gem of the earth because of its untouched,unspoilt and virgin group of islands and islets.The mother Andaman Sea cuddles more than 800 islands to its bosom.The islands are mainly formed with limestone and granite and most of them are covered  […]

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A Must-visit Site in Pyin Oo Lwin: The National Kandawgyi Botanical Gardens
A Must-visit Site in Pyin Oo Lwin: The National Kandawgyi Botanical Gardens

Have you ever been to one of the finest botanical gardens throughout the whole Asia? If not,let me introduce you about the National Kandawgyi Botanical Gardens situated in Pyin Oo Lwin,a blessed and beautiful town in Myanmar.   The National Kandawgyi Botanical Gardens is similar to the Kew Gardens of England.It can be arrived 69 […]

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